Start production!
Download & Develop
Get your free Packer-IO Stand-alone and UV-Packer Plugins and start improving the texture quality look.
If your 3D development lags behind the competition and milestones are in danger, apply UV-Packer SDK in your code for optimal results, save time and enhance quality.
Free, Stand-alone App
Pach UVs in your 3D Software
Download dedicated Plugins
UV-Packer Plugins and Add-ons integrate UV packing technology into your 3D applications, delivering all the features of Packer-IO without the streamlined comfort and custom interface of Packer-IO Standalone App.
Autodesk® 3ds Max® Plugin
Free UV-Packer Plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max
Blender Plugin
Free UV-Packer Plugin for Blender
(Windows & MacOS)
Unreal Engine Plugin
Free UV-Packer Plugin for Unreal Engine
Software Developer Kit
SDK for Developers

Enhance your engine. Speed up development. Save time and money.
You are a game, photogrammetry or 3D software developer?
Your studio is starting new or evolving existing 3D technologies?
Instead of investing months in programming your own UV packing solution,
embed UV-Packer SDK in your code, profit from the reliable and powerful output and focus your man-power on more important issues.
SDK Library, permanent license
inc. 1 Year updates and support.
UV packing not enough? Automate 3D creation:
UV management tools to help you finish your productions and publish them in games, web-browsers, VR or Arch-Viz.
Packer-IO & UV-Packer
UV Packing Solution- Automatic, optimal UV packing
- Single & multiple objects
- UV Channel management
- UV Tiles support
- MaxScript support
- Docs & tutorials
- 3ds Max, Blender, Unreal Engine
- free
Automatic unwrapping- Automatic, one click unwrapping
- Organic or Hard-surface method
- Projection unwrapping
- Automatic, optimal UV packing
- Preserving seams option
- Single & multiple objects
- UV Channel management
- UV Tiles support
- MaxScript support
- Docs & tutorials
- 3ds Max, Maya
Ultimate texture baking for industry- Automatic, one click unwrapping
- Organic or Hard-surface method
- Projection unwrapping
- Automatic, optimal UV packing
- Packing existing UVs, repacking using existing UVs clusters
- Unwrapping and packing single, multiple objects, stack selection, whole scene
- Texture baking of single, multiple, stack selection, whole scene
- Support all compatible 3dsMax renderers (check list)
- Texture baking any render element
- Texture baking in existing or creating Shell material
- Baking-Groups management
- Preserving seams option
- UV Channel management
- Network support
- MaxScript support
- Docs & tutorials
- 3ds Max